Tue. May 21st, 2024

How to Redline a Word Document


Microsoft Word offers a powerful feature called redlining, which allows users to track changes made in a document. Redlining is particularly useful when collaborating with others or when reviewing a document.

Step-by-Step Guide on Redlining a Word Document

Step 1: Open the Document

Open the Word document that you want to redline.

Step 2: Enable Track Changes

To enable redlining, go to the ‘Review’ tab in the Word toolbar and click on the ‘Track Changes’ button. This will activate the redlining feature.

Step 3: Make Changes

Now you can start making changes to the document. Any additions, deletions, or modifications you make will be marked and displayed in the margin of the document.

Step 4: Review Changes

Once you have made the necessary changes, you can review the redline markup. The redline will be shown in the margin, and the original text will be shown with a strike-through for deletions and with underlines for additions.

Step 5: Accept or Reject Changes

If you agree with the changes, you can accept them by right-clicking on the redline markup and selecting ‘Accept Insertion’ or ‘Accept Deletion.’ If you disagree with the changes, you can choose ‘Reject Insertion’ or ‘Reject Deletion.’

Step 6: Turn Off Track Changes

After reviewing and accepting or rejecting the changes, you can turn off the track changes feature. Go back to the ‘Review’ tab and click on the ‘Track Changes’ button again to disable redlining.


Redlining a Word document is a valuable tool for collaborative work and reviewing changes. Follow the simple steps outlined in this guide to use the redline feature effectively and ensure accurate and efficient document editing.